Kennedy Softball Booster Program Expectations
Kennedy Softball Program Outline
1. Program Philosophy
- Teach life skills such as competing, being part of a team, proper preparation, being a leader, listening, learning, winning and losing
- Develop and enhance softball skills
- Always be competitive as a team
- Compete with class; be good representatives of the school, the parents, and the community
- Have fun
- Athletes overall well-being, health, and growth is the top priority
2. Team Selection
- All players will be given the opportunity of 4 days for practice/tryouts before any team decisions are made.
- Underclassman – If we have a 9th grade team, students in 7th, 8th, 9th and grade will not be placed on the junior varsity or varsity teams unless they clearly show the ability to compete at those levels and they will clearly get significant playing time on those teams.
- In-season changes - it is possible for players to move from one team to another during the season, if upon re-evaluation by the coaching staff a player would be better suited at a different level. We will always consider what is in the best interest of the player first.
3. Player Expectations
- Academics and school attendance - this will be this program’s priority regardless of who the student is or that student’s athletic ability. The head coach will communicate with the administration to monitor these areas.
- Sportsmanship - it is an expectation that all athletes in this program display the highest level of sportsmanship during both practices and games. Winning and losing with class will be a trademark of this program.
- Attitude - each player is always expected to display a mature attitude and act like young adults.
- Respect - whether a player agrees with or dislikes another player or coach, they are at minimum expected to respect each other. Treat others in the same fashion you would expect to be treated.
- Team Concept - understand that we win, lose, learn, and improve together as a team. No one person is ever more important than the team.
- Committed to the program - if you chose to be involved in this program, then you are expected to attend and be on time for all scheduled events: meetings, practices, and games.
- Communicating Scheduling Problems - if for some reason you cannot attend a practice or a game, it is the responsibility of the player to communicate this to the appropriate coach ASAP. Unexcused absences will be dealt with in the team rules.
4. Team Rules
a. The captains and the head coach have set forth the following team rules:
- Any excused absence such as illness or an academic priority shall require a written note signed by a parent, teacher, or school administrator (MUST be turned in by start of next practice/game)
- Any practice absence the day prior to the day of a game may result in that player not starting and playing time may be limited at the coach’s discretion
- First unexcused absence - player will not play in the first 3 innings of the next contest and parents/guardian will be notified
- Second unexcused absence - player will not play in the next contest and parents/guardian will be notified
- Third unexcused absence - coach will recommend to the athletic director and principal that the player will be dropped from the team. The parents/guardian will be notified of the final decision.
- Tardiness - will be at each coach’s discretion to set discipline
- Bus late or miss: all players will be told in advance of upcoming bus departure times prior to date of the away game. The bus will wait 5 minutes for unaccounted players prior to departing. If a player misses the bus, they may obtain their own transportation to the game but may not start or play in the game.
- Cell Phones - all players are asked to turn cell phones off during practices and games. Players are not allowed to use cell phones during a practice or a game unless special circumstances warrant, and the respective coach gives approval. Violation of this rule will result in loss of playing time at the coach’s discretion.
- Inappropriate Language - Simply not tolerated. Any player heard using foul, demeaning, disrespectful, discriminatory or other inappropriate language will receive one verbal warning by a coach. Discipline at the coach’s discretion thereafter
b. All players will be disciplined in the same manner, regardless of who the student is and whether the student is a starter or substitute.
5. Lettering Criteria
a. The head coach will determine lettering for each player based on:
- Practice attendance
- Number of appearances of Varsity play
- If a senior has a good practice attendance record and displays an acceptable attitude throughout the season, they will letter regardless of the number of appearances.
6. Equipment Responsibility
- At the beginning of the season, each player will be assigned jersey(s), and pants. The uniform tops and pants will have their numbers recorded. Players are responsible for laundering all assigned apparel. At the end of the season, the same numbered tops and shorts must be returned. A loss of any equipment, including will result in the player being billed for the item. In addition, the player’s letter may be held.
- Players are responsible for providing their facemasks, helmets, cleats, bats, and gloves.
7. Injury Risk, Reporting, and Clearance
- In all sports, there is an inherent risk of injury. The coaching staff will provide the proper equipment, facilities, and supervision to provide a safe environment.
- Any time an athlete is treated by the trainer, the player must obtain clearance from the trainer before returning to competition.
- Any time an athlete is treated by a doctor, the player must obtain written clearance from the doctor or trainer before returning to competition.
- The coaching staff will have an emergency plan to deal with serious injuries.
- Athletes must notify the athletic office and the coaching staff of any medical condition(s) that may affect an athlete’s ability to perform.
- Athletes that display concussion symptoms will be put into the MSHSL concussion protocol and will not be allowed to return to competition until cleared by the athletic director.
8. Resolving Conflict
- If there should arise a conflict between a player and a coach or a parent and a coach, a meeting will be scheduled away from practice or a game. This meeting will be held in a professional environment, such as a classroom or the school cafeteria and will be scheduled at a time convenient to both parties.
- The school rule is there is a 24-hour cooling off period before requesting a meeting.
- In the event the conflict cannot be resolved to both party’s satisfaction, a meeting will be scheduled with the athletic director to resolve the conflict.
- Head Coaching Contact: Alex O'Connor xxx-xxx-xxxx \ email
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